History of Geothermal Energy Electrical Production

This energy source has been around as a way to produce electricity since 1904, where the first electric generator powered by geothermal steam was installed in Larderello, Italy. Since then, more efficient technologies have helped produce electricity without any emissions, like EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems).


Other notable developments into an electrical energy source:

1904 – The first electric generator powered by geothermal steam is installed in Larderello, Italy, and becomes the world’s first geothermal power plant

1958 – Wairakei geothermal field, located in the middle of New Zealand’s North Island, was commissioned in 1958. It was the world’s second large-scale geothermal facility.

1960 – The first geothermal power plant in the United States opens at the Geysers in Northern California.

1972 – The Geothermal Energy Association is established as a trade association for US companies to promote the use of geothermal energy worldwide.

1975 – Drilling begins to assess high-temperature geothermal resources for electricity generation in British Columbia.

1976-1986 – Ten-year federal research program assesses geothermal energy resources, technologies and opportunities for Canada.

1981 – Ormat Technologies successfully demonstrates binary technology [EGS] in the Imperial Valley in California and establishes the technical feasibility of larger-scale commercial binary power plants.

1988 – After several years of expansion, production at the Geysers peaks at about 2,000 mega-watts.

1990 – Ontario Hydro funds a program to install geothermal heat pumps in 6,749 residences not served by natural gas.

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